DNA - Dansa Nära Anhörig

When did you last ask your mother to dance?

“I am aware that I still exist, that I am alive. That there is someone who calls me mom, that means somebody loves me.” DNA is an invite to dance again. How would you like to dance, mom, if you could decide?

DNA – Dansa Nära Anhörig is a docufiction and a dance performance with four duets between four actors and their real mothers. It is a performance about distance, closeness, food, limitless love, sorrow, loss and renewal. Fierceness and tons of courage. Four mothers tell us about their lives, four children listen and dance along. May I have this dance? How close may I be?

Age limit
15 years


Idé Tove Sahlin, /Shake it Collaborations Regi & koreografi Tove Sahlin i nära samarbete med konstnärligt team och skådespelare Intervjuer, idéarbete & dramaturgi Malin Holgersson Med Astrid Assefa, Hannah Alem Davidson, Eleftheria Gerofoka, Vasiliki Gerofoka, Mahnaz Kia, Ramtin Parvaneh, Emelie Strömberg, Britt-Marie Strömberg Scenografi Josefin Hinders Kostym Josefin Hinders och Tommie X Ljus Josefin Hinders och Jonatan Winbo Mask Josefin Ekerås Musik Malin Dahlström från Niki & The Dove