SEASON 2024-2025



Premiere 20 September 2024

A grand, humorous, and musical adventure through dungeons, torture chambers, mental asylums, and witch burnings. And through Elvira's free space. From 10 years.

Theories on humanity

Premiere 4 December 2024

A reflective play about the significance of words and the laws of friendship. In a fast-paced, rhythmic, and swinging dialogue, everything from grief, love, loyalty, and loneliness to who is the foremost poet of Swedish hip-hop is discussed. From 14 years.


Premiere 28 February 2025

Warm and playful about our experience of time. In an interchange between intensity and rest, fun and boredom, violent and tender, song and silence, there's meticulous experimentation with the minute and all that it contains - and doesn't contain. From 6 years.

The little girl with Gortsa

Premiere 26 March 2025

A personal and poetic play with memories of childhood tales and the experience of finding oneself through storytelling. A necessity so compelling that a mother invents her own alphabet. From 15 years.