How long is a minute?

It's said that time is relative. Sometimes it flies by so quickly that we can barely blink, sometimes a second feels like an eternity. Why is that, really? How come time flies when we're playing and having fun? Why are some always on time and others always late? Why does life feel endlessly slow when we long to grow up, but far too fast when we fear getting older?

Time can neither be paused nor rewound, only move forward. Powerless, we can experience how the clock ticks on; second by second and minute by minute, towards the end. But is it perhaps possible to manipulate it?

Mot slutet is an exploratory, warm, and twisted performance that plays with our experience of time. In an interaction between intensity and rest, fun and boring, violent and tender, song and silence, there's meticulous experimentation with the minute and all that it contains - and doesn't contain.

Age limit
6 years
Approx 1 hour and 20 minutes
65-170 SEK


Av och Regi Iggy Malmborg Med Adel Darwish, Ylva Gallon, Emelie Strömberg, Ulf Rönnerstrand Musiker Hannah Shermis Scenografi och kostym Maja Kall Mask Josefin Ekerås Komposition Kristina Issa Ljus Ulrich Ruchlinski Ljud Simeon Pappinen Hillert Dramaturg Kristina Ros Regiassistent Felicia Stjärnsand